Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Purple From Head to Toe

The reason, cherry season! After eating about 10 pounds of fresh cherries in the last few days I have settled in to get as many as possible in the dehydrator. I bought a half-bushel box (about 30 pounds worth) late yesterday and got up this morning ready to get at them. I put on an old shirt because I know how excellent a dye cherry juice is.

I borrowed four extra trays from my neighbour, so I can dry eight trays at a time. I have been busy neglecting almost everything else and have spent most of the morning quartering and pitting cherries. Tony timed me at 15 seconds a cherry. I put on Bach's Brandenburg Concertos and dove in.

Six trays are full and on the go, I will fill the last two shortly. Because I find holding my arms up to work on the kitchen table almost impossible I set up a "station" beside my rocker. I covered the side table next to my chair with a black garbage bag, covered the ottoman with a black garbage bag. The big bowl of cherries goes on the table, the pail for prepared cherries is on the ottoman in front of me, the pit pail is in my lap, with an old and disreputable dishtowel in my lap to catch the drips. I eat about every sixth cherry just to make sure they haven't spoiled in the last minute.

I am purple from toes to forehead. My fingernails are a disgrace. I'll soak my hands in peroxide after I'm done, and hope I don't look like I've never washed since the day I was born more than a couple of weeks. But even if I am as purple as an eggplant it is worth it. Cherries rehydrate so well they are almost as good as fresh ones, and that is a cheering thought in February when it feels like the sun is never going to return.

See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Purple People Eater? I thought you was Oh Go Poor Go!! I am so confused.

Time to nap and figure it out.