Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to Say Goodbye...

Walking the cat in the brilliance of the spring sunshine I note that the branches of the weeping willows look like strings of gold beads, the buds on the mock cherry trees have burst open to reveal what looks like tight clusters of infinitely small green grapes. Over the next month these will swell and evolve into fragrant white blossoms.

Cat is interested in rolling in the grass and lying in the sun. I stand and watch a red tailed hawk spiral in the current rising off the clay banks.

A lovely day.

I hope that it's as beautiful 2500 miles or so to the south, where at this moment, a funeral is being held for my sister-in-law June.

June entered my life as she entered my brother's, when I was five or six years old. She was small, with dark blond hair and an air of neatness and precision about her. She was the first person in the family to realize that I was no longer a child, and treat me as an adult. She and I became really good friends. We had many interests in common, genealogy, quilting, good food, but it was more than common interests that bound us together. We just clicked. I was the sister she never had.

June passed away Friday. It was not unexpected, and death came as a mercy. She had Alzheimer's and June the person had been gone from June the body for years. But her loss, even the loss of the tiny, fragile, immaculately-cared-for but unconscious body hurts.

I have her letters, her recipe for German chocolate cake, the sock monkey she made me the year I turned six, and a long, long memory. I have a June-sized, and shaped, hole in my heart. Bye June-bug. I miss you.


Anonymous said...

The day was picture perfect, sunshine, blue skies...the flowers were a lovely contrast in deep crimson red roses, white daylilies with lime green throats, all manner of beautiful arrangements. There were grandsons for pall bearers, a diverse crowd of friends and loved ones to pay a final tribute to a beautiful lady.

All that was missing was dear Auntie Deb whom I would love to see again.

Love ya Auntie

Anonymous said...

Hi deb, so sorry about your sister in law. Once in a lifetime comes such a soul mate. Mine was my mother in law, who was my best friend. She passed away twenty six years ago, but hardly a day goes by that I don't think of her. I still have a hanky of hers in my "treasure" drawer and, when I am feeling blue, I get it out and just smell it. The very faint hint of her perfume brings her back to me for a few minutes.

Can you explain the Kiva Loan, it seems to be making a big difference in the lives of very poor people, for just a small amount. I would be interested in reading more about it.

I haven't read your (or anyone else's) blog for some time, so it was nice to catch up on your happenings, and also nice to know that Sal is still ruling the roost.

Take care, Pat