Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Been Good to Know You

Pete Seeger

May 3, 1919 – January 27, 2014

Rest in Peace Pete, 

you gave all you had 

and we took it 

with loving hands. 

    This is a beautiful and fitting song from Pete:


To my old brown earth

And to my old blue sky

I'll now give these last few molecules of "I."

And you who sing,

And you who stand nearby,

I do charge you not to cry.

Guard well our human chain,

Watch well you keep it strong,

As long as sun will shine.

And this our home,

Keep pure and sweet and green,

For now I'm yours 

And you are also mine.

Words and Music by Pete Seeger (1958)
1964 (renewed) by Stormking Music Inc.

1 comment:

Linda P. said...

Love the lyrics you've included.

Perhaps your platform is protecting you and itself. Prince recently sued fans for $1 million each for unauthorized linking to his copyrighted videos, although he has apparently since dropped the lawsuit.